The Bristol Revunions has a long and illustrious history. Here is a collection of reviews and references to Revunions from The Stage Archive dated by publication. The Archive has kindly granted permission to reproduce the articles here. Also included are references to shows from the Scottish Theatre Archive (STA), although articles are not available online. These are dated by year of show. Articles of particular interest are marked (*).
Archived by Matt Lister 2011
Archived by Matt Lister 2011
Date1953 July 2nd
1969 Sep 11th 1969 August 1970 August 1970 August 1971 Dec 16th 1971 August 1971 August 1971 August 1971 August 1972 August 1972 August 1972 August 1972 August 1973 August 1973 August 1973 August 1973 August 1973 August 1973 August 1974 August 1974 August 1974 Aug 8th 1974 August 1975 April 3rd 1975 Aug 14th 1975 August 1975 August 1975 August 1975 Sep 11th 1976 Sep 9th 1977 Aug 4th 1977 August 1977 August 1977 August 1977 August 1977 August |
Details"Coffee Time. "The Victoria Rooms. First account of Revunions.
"Bristol Cream" (no.1) Revunion's first Edinburgh Fringe show. "Bristol Cream" (no.1) Cast List from programme. "Bristol Dry" Fringe. Cast list from programme. "Midnight Chekhov" Cast List from programme. "Sleep Fast They've Landed" Fringe, Nottingham, Hampstead "Gammer Gurton's needle" Fringe. Cast List from programme. "Senzala Jazz." Cast List from programme. "Sleep Fast They've Landed." Fringe. Cast List. "The bespoke overcoat." Fringe. Cast List from programme. "Bladerdash" Fringe. Cast List from programme. "Bristol or Bust" Fringe. Cast List from programme. "Lysistrata" Cast List from programme. "The fortunes of Jeremiah Node" Cast List. "Chris Langham's one-man show" Fringe. "J.U.M.P!" Fringe. Cast List from programme. "Main sequence" Cast List from programme. "Ginger nuts?" Cast List from programme. "Tea with Dick and Jerry" Cast List from programme. "The Show Must Go On" Cast List from programme. "Asylums" Fringe. At South Bridge Primary School. "Dylan Thomas - the man and the myth" Fringe. Refers to 1973's Fringe show "Ginger Nuts" "Tits of Tiresias" Cast List from programme. Bristol Revunions goes to the College Festival. "The Slope" and "Le Malade Imaginaire" "The Slope" Cast List from programme. "Hocus Pocus" Cast List from programme. "P.T.O." Cast List from programme. "The Man who Almost Knew Eamonn Andrews" Fringe. "Fish In The Sea" Fringe. A glowing review. "Backlog," "People Are Living There," "Blood and Kisses," "A Respectable Family." Fringe. "A Respectable Family" Cast List from Programme. "Back Log" Cast List from Programme. "Blood 'n' kisses" Cast List from Programme. "Bristol cream" (no.2) Cast List from Programme. "No Trouble!" Fringe. Cast List from programme. |
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